Motion decisions in Glasgow
Motion decisions in Glasgow
The EHF Congress dealt with a range of motions put before it during the second working session of the opening day.
The proposals, dealing with potential changes and amendments to the statutes, regulations and in some cases structure of the federation were submitted by the EHF and the national federations.
1. Timing of the EHF Congress in the future – approved by EHF Congress
In future, and starting with 2021, the election congress will be held in odd years rather than even years as is currently the situation.
The change will mean that elections no longer take place shortly before the Women’s EHF EURO event and are better harmonised with the schedule of the IHF Congress.
2. Treasurer to become ‘vice-president finances’ – approved by EHF Congress
The EHF treasurer position will now be re-named ‘vice-president finances’ to better reflect the functions of the role.
The ‘vice-president’ will now become ‘first vice-president’, which better reflects the requirements of this role to represent the president.
3. Additional person to join Competitions Commission responsible for women’s club competitions – approved by EHF Congress
In order to ensure a fair and equal representation of both genders in the Competitions Commission, a new position for women’s competitions will be created, the existing club competitions position will be responsible for men’s competitions in the future.
4. New structure: Nations Committees, Nations Board, Women’s Handball Board – approved by EHF Congress
Changes will be made to the boards representing stakeholders. The Women’s Handball Board will take on the same remit as the Professional Handball Board but for the women’s game.
A Nations Committee (Men) and a Nations Committee (Women) will be created, with a newly constituted Nations Board made up of representatives of both committees. The chair of the Nations Board will now sit on the Executive Committee.
The amendments will ensure equal and fair representation and create a balanced and harmonised system involving men and women and for both male and female competition.
5. Change to age limit – approved by EHF Congress
The age limit for election of members to the EHF Executive Committee was approved by Congress.
The change will see the mandate of members of the Executive Committee cease at the end of the calendar year in which he or she becomes 70. An extension of up to four years can be agreed. A simply majority of members present at the Congress is required to agree such an extension.
6. Special activities – approved by EHF Congress
In relation to the development of wheelchair handball, a change to the EHF statutes was approved which would allow for the awarding of competitions for persons with disabilities.
7. Non-profit partnerships – approved by EHF Congress
A small amendment to the statutes will be made to formalise the EHF’s participation in non-profit partnerships.
8. Administrative sanctions – 2/3 majority not reached and therefore not approved
The EHF proposed a change to the statutes to allow the EHF Executive Committee to amend the Catalogue of Administrative Sanctions. This motion was not approved by Congress.
9. Motion from Norwegian Handball Federation – 2/3 majority not reached and therefore not approved
A proposal that chairpersons should be nominated to moderate future congresses.
10. Proposal from Irish Olympic Handball Federation – amended motion agreed by EHF Congress
The Irish federation proposed the creation of a protected disclosure advocate to ensure that disclosures by stakeholders are protected. It would mean the creation of an independent officer of the EHF Court of Handball to receive, review and investigate any disclosures.
The EHF Executive Committee proposed an amendment to the motion and to further developing the role of the existing ‘initiator of proceedings’ to take on aspects of the proposed new role.
With the agreement of the Irish federation, the EHF Congress agreed by simple majority to transfer the implementation of the motion to the EHF and to incorporate the proposals into the existing EHF legal system.
11. Compensation delegation – simple majority reached and approved by EHF Congress
A new body to decide compensation for future EHF presidents. Proposed by the EHF to ensure any decisions are impartial.
The EHF Executive Committee nominated: Jean Brihault (FRA), Honorary EHF President; Henrik La Cour (DEN), Treasurer; Robert Prettenthaler (AUT) Comptroller. These nominations were also approved by the EHF Congress.
12. Motion from Slovenian Handball Federation – no vote, topics raised to be further discussed
The motion related to refereeing, regulations and rules and proposes to establish ‘professionalisation in refereeing’; amendments to appeal proceedings relating to protests and proceedings with the IHF for better definition of passive play, offensive foul, initial throw and game interruption.
13. Motion from Swedish Handball Federation – new agreement presented and approved by EHF Congress
Advertising on player clothing from the Swedish Handball Federation, a motion seeking clarification and the implementation of changes to the EHF’s regulations relating to advertising on clothing.
A new proposal was put forward by the EHF President and was approved by EHF Congress, which will see the still EHF retain sleeve advertising only for the EHF EURO for an event logo/combined logo in the future.
Awarding of events
Scheduled from Wednesday, 20 June (morning session), the Congress will continue with the awarding of events including the Men’s and the Women’s EHF EURO events in 2022 and 2024 as well as the next Congress, with Luxembourg being the only applicant. Note that the awarding process could be delayed depending on the completion of previous Congress business.
Live coverage
The EHF media team will also be reporting live from Glasgow. Follow the EHF Twitter channel and use the hashtag #ehfglasgow2018. Full reports will also be published on eurohandball.com and the EHF Facebook page.